Jax Xhabrahimi
Ms. Rodwell
English 11000
Annotated Bibliography
Research Question: What is the impact of family and media on adolescents’ identity development?
Wallace, Brenna M. “The Impact of Family Function on Identity … – Wakespace Scholarship.” WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, May 2017, https://wakespace.lib.wfu.edu/bitstream/handle/10339/82195/Wallace_wfu_0248M_11025.pdf.
This research paper from Wake Forest University Graduate School of Arts And Sciences, goes on to talk about family’s function impact of Identity Formation During Emerging Adulthood.
Depending on a family’s function, well-balanced or not balanced; dysfunctional or fully functional. That will determine the impact that adolescents will have on their development of their identity.
I will use the definition of family function that Wallce gave in her paper as background information, then explain the impact of both a functional and dysfunctional family on adolescents’ identity development.
Ibáñez-Alfonso, Joaquín, et al. “The Influence of Family Context on Identity Processing: Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology.” Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press, 26 Oct. 2015, https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-pacific-rim-psychology/article/influence-of-family-context-on-identity-processing/D61FADD5A71475A4A3FC772454DD2ACA.
The research article from a journal of Pacific Rims Psychology discusses families’ parenting styles’ impact on identity processing, among a group of Chinese adolescents.
Ibáñez-Alfonso mentions families’ impacts result in a positive self-image and self-acceptance, flexibility, and the child being able to accept responsibility for her/his actions. Also with families there will be less risk taking behavior.
I will use the results from the study on how families affect adolescents, which found that families had a significant impact on adolescents’ feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Due to parents’ responsiveness and authority and that they influence adolescents in having a positive self-image, self-acceptance, flexibility, and being able to take ownership of their actions.
“Identity Development” . Encyclopedia.com. 27 Oct. 2022 .” Encyclopedia.com, Encyclopedia.com, 6 Nov. 2022, https://www.encyclopedia.com/children/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/identity-development.
The main idea of this article is addressing what is identity development.
This article aligns with my topic because it talks about what is identity development?, When does it happen?, and What aspects of one’s identity begin seeing change?.
I will use the definition of identity development as background information in my introduction to clarify my thesis statement.
Place, Maurice, et al. “The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES): an Instrument Worthy of Rehabilitation?” Cambridge , 2005, https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4C790777D04B0409D81EB622B22E89BA/S0955603600028191a.pdf/div-class-title-the-family-adaptability-and-cohesion-evaluation-scale-faces-an-instrument-worthy-of-rehabilitation-div.pdf.
The main idea of this research paper is addressing the impact of the cohesion and adaptability in a family’s function.
Place’s research paper aligns with my topic in how a family to have a positive impact on adolescents’ identity development, a family should have a well-balanced cohesion and adaptability.
I will use the definition of cohesion and adaptability that is given as background information when talking about the importance of a well-balanced family function.
Davidson, Simon, et al. “Putting Media under the Microscope: Understanding and Challenging Media’s Influence on the Health and Well-Being of Children and Youth.” Shibboleth Authentication Request, 2003, https://academic-oup-com.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/pch/article/8/5/265/2648394.
This article is about the impact media has on youth’s health and lifestyle.
Davidson’s research paper aligns with my topic because he highlights the negative impacts that media has on adolescents’ identity development; with influencing a slothful and poor nutritious lifestyle.
I will use where Davidson talks about the negative impacts of media on adolescents; unfulfilling lifestyle and bad eating habits. To support the negatives of media influences on adolescents’ identity development.
Akram, W, and R Kumar. “A Study on Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society.” A Study on Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society , 19 Oct. 2017, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323903323_A_Study_on_Positive_and_Negative_Effects_of_Social_Media_on_Society.
This research paper is about a study about the positive and negative effects of the youth interacting with social media.
Akram and Kumar’s research aligns with my topic on addressing how media give adolescents the opportunity to explore their identity.
I will use the positive uses of media by adolescents to support media being a positive identity exploration for the development of adolescents’ identity.